Northwest Youth Services - Keeping Our Youth Safe

  Since 1976, Northwest Youth Services has been the doorway to safety and the pathway to progress for thousands of young lives. Much has changed in our communities during those years. What has not changed is the commitment of NW Youth Services to supporting the uniqueness of each youth served.

For runaway, homeless, “throw-away”, abused, neglected and other at-risk youth and young adults, NW Youth Services is their lifeline. NWYS’s mission is: to keep youth safe, heal family relationships, reconnect youth to the community and promote self-reliance.


When: Thursday December 16, 2011 – 12:00pm – 1:15pm
Where: WWN weekly (no-host) lunch meeting at On Rice – Fairhaven
Presenter: Riannon Bardsley, Executive Director, NW Youth Services


Please join us to learn about this valuable community resource, their programs, and how we can be a part of the solution.