Don't Forget the Glutes! Why massage of the gluteal muscles are important - Traci Soriano, LMP, Veritas Massage Studio

Many seasoned massage receivers still have a hesitation about having their gluteal muscles worked on.  Additionally, some massage therapists are not comfortable working this group, either through lack of knowledge and training or out of fear of litigation due to clients misinterpreting their intentions.  Traci is going to talk about why bodywork/massage of this area is so important and how to have a client feel comfortable and safe. 

Traci Soriano has been in practice since 2004 and is the owner of Veritas Massage Studio.  Providing skillful and effective theraputic massage is a passion and love for her and her staff.  Each therapist's massage session is based on the individual needs of their clients.  They are proud to have a space for healing, wellness, and peace in our community.

When: Thursday, November 12, 2015 – 12:00pm – 1:15pm
Where: WWN weekly lunch meeting
Presenter: Traci Soriano, Veritas Massage Studio